I woke up this morning and decided it was time to stop looking like a "before" picture. I used to be beautiful, but the past two years have really taken their toll. It's time to fight back and be the person I remember. Wanna come along?

Friday, May 30, 2008

So what brought this on?

I'm fat. That's what.

There. I've said it. According to Wii Fit, I weigh 210 pounds. I'm 5'8", which puts me at about 45 pounds heavier than I ought to be.

I've been wanting to lose this weight, but I'm finally in a place where I'm going to be serious about it. How serious? Well, I'm going to blog it, aren't I? Here is where I will log every detail of what I am doing so that I can keep track of it. You'll get to watch what I eat, how I exercise, and what I think along the way.

I'm sure some of you, well probably most of you, are doing about the same thing. Which is probably how you found me in the first place. Let's be weight loss buddies! I'll support you, you support me, and together, we'll become less of a person!

Who's with me?

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