I woke up this morning and decided it was time to stop looking like a "before" picture. I used to be beautiful, but the past two years have really taken their toll. It's time to fight back and be the person I remember. Wanna come along?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It was a rough start...

But I'm going to recover.

Instead of a fruit smoothie for lunch, I had steamed white rice and steamed veggies. I'll go back to smoothies for dinner, but I was too tired to resist real food. That was probably a good compromise. What do you think? On the plus side, I've only had one soda today, so that is a massive improvement. I bet I can do none tomorrow since I plan on actually sleeping tonight.

As soon as I can get my freakin' kids off of the Wii Fit, I'm going to get on.

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